Tales and Tastings is a project about food stories from Swanscombe, Northfleet and Ebbsfleet. Nicole visited a wide range of groups including Year 10 Students from Ebbsfleet Academy, Swanscombe Senior Lunch Club, Northfleet Big Local, Northfleet Lunch club, Ebbsfleet Coffee morning, and individual residents, running drawing workshops over the course of several months. Local residents were also invited to submit stories and recipes via a postcard conversation with postboxes in several local libraries.
The project resulted in a collection of drawings, recipes and texts which have been published together into a limited edition publication. To accompany the launch of the publication the artist worked together with local historian Christoph Bull to create an alternative guided tour of Swanscombe. There was an exhibition of the original drawings, and some prototype cups and bowls inspired by local grotesque architecture as part the Gathering event which on the 23rd March 2019. People could taste locally produced food as part of the event. The project was commissioned by Ebbsfleet Development Cooperation.
To download the Tales and Tastings publication as a pdf click on this link; TALES AND TASTINGS 200dpi