Graphic Novel for Luton

Artist Nicole Mollett is looking for unique stories about life in Luton. Over the next year, she will be gathering and drawing on multiple perspectives of communities who live and work in Luton. Nicole wants to celebrate the rich diversity of Luton, and tell the story of individual lives, from a personal perspective to describe and animate the town. These stories will be gathered into an epic Graphic Novel For Luton, and be shared on multiple platforms, including digital and mass distributed printed material. There will be a series of  free public art workshops, exhibitions and events as part of the project.

I am developing a project with a group of local partners, to write and draw a new graphic novel based in Luton. This artwork will be delivered on multiple platforms, both digitally and in print. I am experimenting with animations and other media to expand how viewers experience my artworks.

I have created a manifesto (above) which outline my approach and values in developing this project.

This project is being funded by Luton Arts Fund and Testbeds.


I am part of a cohort of artists in Luton called Testbeds. Testbeds is a research and development programme for artists from multiple disciplines; visual arts, dance, film, music, with an interest in socially engaged practice and public realm creativity.

For more information about the project, and to read my blog go to;