The Graphic Novel for Luton exhibition has been extended till the Autumn 2021.
Nicole Mollett | Karl Brown| Simon Cleary| Lee Nelson | Rae Leaver Victoria Hayford | Lizzy Fretwell | Lesley McKenna | Neil Fox Haneefah Muhammad | Shana Iqbal | Andy Kingston | Jennifer Bibby Lizzy Chapman | Stephen Whiting
Graphic novel for Luton is a unique collection of sublime stories, based on real-life experiences of people who live in Luton. Artist Nicole Mollett worked together with 14 writers and artists to create a collection of graphic tales about Luton. The project engages communities, celebrates diversity, and encourages intercultural connections.
Come and see the exhibition of over 40 original drawings on display in the upper level of the Mall. A smaller satellite exhibitions will be on show at the Well & Wise space in the Central Library.
THE MALL Unit 5/6 Gallery Level, LUTON, LU1 2TW
OPENING HOURS; The Mall’s normal opening hours